Yeah, the religious nutcases are out to scare you again with another doomsday. And yet, it’s not only NOT confirmed, but completely debunked by NASA.
Not that you’d need it, considering the source. And all the shit also said by the people warning you about it.
Alex Jones........ and that’s really all that needs to be said. Well, I’ll say a touch more. If you follow that link you’ll find that Alex Jones’ InfoWatch thinks saying they’ve no reason to expect a comet crashing into earth during that time is a “bold statement” they should avoid making. Figure that logic out if you want to. I’d rather just laugh. Don’t forget...

He thinks his bogus health product makes you grow more chest hair (and not just a change of lighting which is obviously what happened there.
Hilariously he claims NASA is denying it, but his link for their denial only takes you to the same lunatic site that his other links in that article take you to. And that article is: This site... the
Which tells you that Operation Jade Helm was actually a program preparing the soldiers to fight during comet collision. I don’t have a fucking clue how soldiers are supposed to fight a comet. You figure it out. Again, I’m avoiding the crazy.
The actual source of it all: Lyn Leahz. This is her video:
She reminds me of the old Marilyn J. Agee. Her site screams about the Rapture, but she’s not used it in a while. Just like Agee’s, whose many failed attempts at predicting the rapture have left her a quivering mess of stupid.
The full description from the video should tell you everything:
Lyn Leahz shares about a phone call with her friend who was given inside information about a comet expected to hit the earth between September 15-28, 2015. Almost a year ago, the foreign minister of France three times publicly announced at a White House press conference a 500-day countdown to "climate chaos", which will end on September 24, 2015. They know what is coming and have already told you - chaos will erupt on this planet in September 2015. Are you listening? Are you prepared?
Please read and download my free book, "The Rapture Puzzle: Putting the Scriptural Pieces together - Day of Atonement 2015 (September 23/24, 2015) Judgment Day" and share this with everyone you can before it is too late.
You can also listen to me read the book by clicking on this link:
Also, please visit my website:
The Illuminati know what is coming September 22-28, 2015 (parts 1-4)
Come to Jesus - the Door is still open (September 23/24, 2015)
How to prepare for what is coming in September 2015
SEPTEMBER 2015: When the Year of lucifer COLLIDES with the Year of Jubilee (5776)
An asteroid or meteor will hit the earth on September 24, 2015 - you have been warned!!!
About that day and hour no one knows
Yeah. Someone she knows said someone called her with inside info, and prepare for Jesus and stuff.
I won’t be worrying about this comet.
You probably shouldn't either.
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